Sunday, April 19, 2009

April 10th and 11th - Still hanging out in the NICU

Friday April 10th

That morning we went down to the NICU for a quick visit before we had to be back in my room for me to get discharged from the hospital. Ryan was still under his oxygen hood but they were able to turn down his oxygen when he was calm. He had started out at about 45% oxygen and by that morning they had it down to about 35%.

A few pictures from that morning

When we went back around noon they had dropped his oxygen even more. He down to about 25% oxygen. The air that we breath has about 21% oxygen so he was slowly working his way down off the oxygen. By the time that we were leaving from the visit his nurse had turned his oxygen off, but he was still hanging out under the hood because she wasn't sure if he would stay off the oxygen. He was still breathing fast, but he had stopped making the grunting/whiney noise.

After our visit at noon I was discharged from the hospital and we went home to visit with the Drew and Sarah. We had some severe thunderstorms come through the area while we were home but thankfully they stopped as it was time to make the trip back down to the hospital at 4. When we got back to the NICU Ryan was back on a small amount of oxygen (25%) but they were going to try to wean him back off after he calmed down.

At his 8 pm visiting time my mom came down to the NICU with me while Eric stayed home with the big kids. His nurse for the night said the Ryan was worn out and she had turned his oxygen way up. Thankfully they weaned it down a little bit over night.

Saturday April 11th

After a long night with very little sleep we missed going to the hospital for Ryan's 8 am care time. I called to check on him around 9 and his nurse let me know that she almost had him off his oxygen and that she was hoping to get him off his oxygen hood today.

When we made it down to the hospital at 12 we came in to see him out of his hood. It was so nice to get to look at and touch his cute little face! She also told us that the doctor was allowing feedings to start. Since his breathing is still too fast they had to do it by a tube down his mouth, but at least he is finally getting something to eat. He was so happy to finally have something in his belly! Eric and I got to spend quite a bit of time talking to him and touching him while he had his tube feeding. It was so nice to not have him under that hood! He had a rough time getting used to breathing with a full belly so they did have to start him back on a small amount of oxygen, but he was able to get it through a nasal cannula so that way he didn't have to go back under the hood

So happy to be out of the oxygen hood

Getting his first tube feeding

So relaxed with a full belly

At his 4pm visit my mom came to the hospital with me again. Ryan was still on a small amount of oxygen, but his breathing was getting easier and he was starting to slow down his breathing

That night for his 8 pm care time I was so tired I almost sent Eric by himself. Once we got there I was so happy that I went. I was able to hold Ryan for over an hour while he got his tube feeding. It was so wonderful to have my baby in my arms and be able to kiss and cuddle him all I wanted.

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